

To the people who have told me that fatherhood is one of the greatest things that can happen to you, I understated it now. When the nurse placed Noah in my arms he moved into my heart. I’m looking forward to creating beautiful memories together and nurture you with light my toothless man. You made my heart melt.


To the people who have told me that fatherhood is one of the greatest things that can happen to you, I understated it now. When the nurse placed Noah in my arms he moved into my heart. I’m looking forward to creating beautiful memories together and nurture you with light my toothless man. You made my heart melt.

A la gente que me dijo que la paternidad es una de las mejores cosas que puede pasarte, ahora lo entiendo. Cuando la enfermera colocó a Noah en mis brazos el se clavo en mi corazón. Estoy deseoso de crear bellas memorias juntos y nutrirte de luz mi hombrecito sin dientes. Hiciste que mi corazón se derritiera.

Copyrighted © Franz Israel

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