
Poem To C

The night is calm, The moon is full, the tides are fair, As I sit silently in a new and foreign land I reflect on the memories I shared with her...

Poem To C

The night is calm,
The moon is full, the tides are fair,
As I sit silently in a new and foreign land
I reflect on the memories I shared with her…
And some of them fill my eyes with tears.
The noises of night and packing boxes
Still linger in my memory.

Life as I know it will never be the same.
We are two travelers searching for dreams of desire.
Two sailors who loved each other,
But everything has ended.
Two hearts that loved each other,
But the journey is forgotten.

And in the darkness, the sea calls; the waves with their soft, white hands;
Rising waves, falling waves, liquid, uneven, and tumultuous waves.

As the tide rises, the tide falls.
The adventure that brought us together has now dissipated.

As I walk on the beach, I leave footprints of our memories in the sand.
I only wish the good memories of the love, that joined us in every way,
Will never be washed away.

Saying thank you can be a difficult thing to do for a sailor. Doing so means admitting that you are in another’s debt.
I will be a brave sailor, tonight. I will admit that another individual did something special for me.

I want to thank you for making me,
Better in so many ways, and for being a great companion
On a beautiful journey I will never regret or forget.

Whatever new storms you may face in life,
I will always be there to lend a hand, and row your boat into
Wider calmer waters with skies filled with colorful rainbows.

Copyrighted © Franz Israel


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